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School description

Escola Garbí Pere Vergés Badalona is one of the two schools that belong to Fundació Escoles Garbí, a private institution that for 52 years has promoted the Education Project based on the principle that the student is the centre of the learning process and acts as an active citizen of the school community. The school is placed in a neighbourhood near Badalona, a city close to Barcelona. About 100 people in the staff and at about 900 students aged from 3 to 18 (distributed within the different levels: kindergarten, Primary, Secondary and Baccalaureate) who are educated not only at the academic level, but also in values and social abilities for everyday life.

Our educational project encompasses the concept of based learning adapted to each educational level and it is in constant review with the aim of gathering new education requirements and skills such as foreign languages and new technologies applied to the classroom. The school by means of participatory approaches and ICT Based Methodologies strengthens the competences and skills of all curricular subjects. Apart from this, the teaching basis includes cooperation among students while learning by means of iPads as the main tool, using the Moodle platform and collaborative work.

Our school copes with different types of students, including those with educational needs. Furthermore, it organizes a variety of activities approaching the students to the school daily life, and also there is an active participation of the students towards other projects organised by non-profit organisations or foundations, which open students’ minds to society nowadays. Different transversal areas take part in the students’ learning process Science, Aesthetics, Ethics and community life helping the students to act as responsible European citizenships, providing knowledge of their cultural and historical roots, understanding them, exercising tolerance, freedom democracy and social commitment.

Overall, the philosophy of our institution is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills for being well informed European citizens. We strongly believe that international projects motivate our students to be more interested in their personal development while learning from others and exchanging cultural and historical backgrounds. That’s the reason why the last two years we carried out the “Migrations in Europe” project in cooperation with other schools from Europe, and also recently we have started two more European Erasmus projects.

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City description

Fundació Escoles Garbi


Carrer de la Diputació, 39
08015 Barcelona

+34 93 302 15 27